︎ I’m a visual designer focusing in transmedia and brand identity ︎ ︎


︎︎︎ Spring 2021
︎︎︎ Package Design
︎︎︎ Brand Identity
︎︎︎ 3D rendering

Wildest is a revolutionary feminine care brand that targets to reinvent the stereotypical usage of floaral elements in most period care brands. It highlights growing, blooming, renewing, a process that both flowers and women share.


︎  visual designer focusing on transmedia and brand identity ︎                ︎

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Print

Desert Daze

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Installation, Motion

Four Tet

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Print 

Los Angeles Conservancy

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Installation

Los Angeles Conservancy Installation

︎︎︎Brand Identity 

California Science Center (WIP)

︎︎︎Package  Design



Wilshire Grand Christmas Content