︎ I’m a visual designer focusing in transmedia and brand identity ︎ ︎

Los Angeles Conservancy

︎︎︎ Spring 2022
︎︎︎ Brand Identity
︎︎︎ Print
︎︎︎ 3D rendering

Architecture is a reflection of a community and its history.
Los Angeles Conservancy is an organization that preserves historic buildings throughout Los Angeles County. The organization does not only preserve the architecture but also educates the community about the importance of these buildings through different hands-on programs such as guided tours based on the style of architecture.

After conducting multiple in person research and interviews, I developed a logo that promotes the idea of taking you through different architectural timelines in LA.

︎︎︎ Ornaments

I utilized the ornaments that were relevant to the different times and cultures throughout the history of LA’s architecture and transformed them in a more modernized way using vibrant colors that reflect on the diversity of LA.

︎︎︎  Poster Series

︎︎︎ Print Application

︎︎︎ Signage and Wayfinding

︎︎︎ Instagram Filter


︎  visual designer focusing on transmedia and brand identity ︎                ︎

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Print

Desert Daze

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Installation, Motion

Four Tet

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Print 

Los Angeles Conservancy

︎︎︎Brand Identity, Installation

Los Angeles Conservancy Installation

︎︎︎Brand Identity 

California Science Center (WIP)

︎︎︎Package  Design



Wilshire Grand Christmas Content